Copyright © Da Raisin's Creative Studies
Design by Dzignine
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not Creative?

What is the best word to summarise "not creative"?
seems legit

Now in the previous post we talk about 5 words that related to creativity, now how about the other way round?

5 words that are not associated with C R E A T I V I T Y
  • BED

...they'll forever exists, like cockroaches

Nerds, they will only stick on their believe in certain things. They memorize the same page again and again until they can even remembered it reversely. They will always wear the same kind of cloths, eat the same kind of food everyday, obey the same timetable everyday, and wearing glasses 24/7 everyday. Try mention anything out of their world, they'll give you a "what?is that eatable?"kind of face. But this kind of people will forever success in most of their exams.(assuming they are too nerdy and do not choose design field for study).
 haters gonna hate

Well at least the logo is creative....I guess

When I say systematic, it means that certain things that follow their own rule and do not accept changes.They have their own flow of doing certain stuff and if even a drop of water comes in and "poff"~ everything is gone. You can't really relate creativity with systematic as one of the core in creativity will be changing the way of doing/thinking.


Beds, when you see them you always insists to lie down on it. When you lie down on a bed and you will feel like rolling on it. When you tired of rolling your bed you'll get sleepy. When you get sleepy means your brain wants to rest. When your brain started to rest your eyes want it too. In the end, you slept.

Raisin's research believes that 99% of people who is working nearby their bed will fails.
bed, best and the worst creation of the world.

why hardcore doing assignments when theres google
The meme said everything I wanted to said. There's too many people out there thinking that they suck they contribute nothing other people so pro so they decided to stop thinking and let the others do the rest. How can dependent relates to creativity when these people do not even want to think?

How many of you had actually found science useful in our normal life seriously......
Now when people talk about science you already have the image of science being boring, tones of unknown, scary formulas, i-dunno-what-the-heck- laws and laboratories. So did any of these contributes to creativity?


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